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How Do You Feel? (part 3)

Jan 05, 2021


I hope you were able to take some time to let go and relax this Thanksgiving Day Weekend. I hope the spirit of the season is beginning to take hold and that you are able to eek out some feelings of gratitude. Even if for something that seems so mundane and small such as being able to take a deep breathe.

I was able to take a few days to unplug and relax and even went on a little hike next to the Potomac. Oh, how I love being in nature. I find it to be so healing for my body and my nervous system.

Speaking of the nervous system, how does yours feel today?

Do you feel calm and relaxed? Are you able to think clearly? Or do you find yourself feeling a little (or a lot) unsettled, overwhelmed and perhaps anxious? Wherever you are and however your feel, it is ok. I do, though, understand how uneasy it can be to feel more on the stressed out and anxious side of things. Truthfully, I lived with many of these feelings and in this fight-or-flight state for the majority of my life.

If you have been reading my new weekly blog, you will know this is actually the last part in a 3 part series about how I used some of tools I have to work through a recent difficult situation in my life. If you are interested, you can read part 1 and part 2.

In part 2, I talked about how I benefit from the same mind-body tools I use with my coaching clients and physical therapy patients. I credit these tools, such as diaphragmatic breathing, singing, yoga and meditation, with pulling my autonomic nervous system out of a fight-or-flight state. Directing these tools inward, I was able to move through the anxiety and stressful thoughts that kept me in that state in a relatively short amount of time. Once I utilized these tools, not only did I feel much calmer, but my mind was also clearer, and I was able to begin to see that other solutions were being presented to me. If I had stayed in that stressful state, I never would have been open to receiving what was actually already in front of me.

After focusing on self-growth and continuing education for my patients for decades, I have found these tools to be life changing. By utilizing these tools, my body is healthier than it has ever been. I have more peace, calmness, and happiness than I have ever had in my life. And I want this for you!

This is why I put together a five-module online program called Peace and Calm (https://www.healthedyourway.com/peace-and-calm) After completing the tremendously successful pilot program this summer, the price was set to increase to its normal price of $897.

However, this year has been such a stressful and uncertain year that I have decided to offer this course at a hugely discounted rate. This home study program will be offered at 70% off! This life-changing program will cost only $269.10!! Use Coupon Code: PEACE.

AND I will also offer two Bonus zoom group coaching calls to be offered this month!

In this home study program you will:

  • Create more peace in your body
  • Begin to quiet your mind chatter
  • Learn tools to pull yourself out of the fight-or-flight or freeze state
  • Learn tools to calm your nervous system
  • Learn how to better manage stress
  • Become more aligned in your mind and body

This Cyber Monday Sale will not last long. Please take advantage of this 70% off sale and give yourself the gift of having the tools to actually feel better! Don’t forget to use Coupon Code: PEACE.


I will also be offering a limited number of FREE one-on-one coaching sessions this month. If you are interested, please email or contact Amy at [email protected] or 301-770-7060.


I wish each and every one of you a life filled with more peace and calm!


In Peace and Kindness,

Jennifer Chu, MS, PT, WCS, Mind-Body Health Coach
Owner, ITR Physical Therapy
Founder, Health Education Your Way


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